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Java SE 8 Programmer II (1Z0-809)

Exam Code: 1Z0-809

Hand picks the right course and complete your certification, get a completion certificate & achieve faster career growth.?EXACTPREP?provides 100% valid?Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer II (1Z0-809)?exam questions and answers which can help you to pass your certification exam in First Attempt without any worries. These questions and answers same as actual Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer II (1Z0-809). Certification Exam are prepared by our team of experienced Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer II certified consultants and domain experts. We have carefully maintained exam structure, syllabus, topic weights, cut score and time duration same as actual Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer II Certification Exam. Our online Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer II Certification practice exams contain practical case study-based questions and answers. We have prepared question bank for this practice exam with the help of experts' domain knowledge and collective feedback received from recently certified candidates and updated on regular intervals.

Topic Areas:

Java Class Design

?????????Implement encapsulation

?????????Implement inheritance including visibility modifiers and composition

?????????Implement polymorphism

?????????Override hashCode, equals, and toString methods from Object class

?????????Create and use singleton classes and immutable classes

?????????Develop code that uses static keyword on initialize blocks, variables, methods, and classes

Advanced Java Class Design

?????????Develop code that uses abstract classes and methods

?????????Develop code that uses the final keyword

?????????Create inner classes including static inner class, local class, nested class, and anonymous inner class

?????????Use enumerated types including methods, and constructors in an enum type

?????????Develop code that declares, implements and/or extends interfaces and use the @Override?annotation.

?????????Create and use Lambda expressions

Generics and Collections

?????????Create and use a generic class

?????????Create and use ArrayList, TreeSet, TreeMap, and ArrayDeque objects

?????????Use java.util.Comparator and java.lang.Comparable interfaces

?????????Collections Streams and Filters

?????????Iterate using forEach methods of Streams and List

?????????Describe Stream interface and Stream pipeline

?????????Filter a collection by using lambda expressions

?????????Use method references with Streams

Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces

?????????Use the built-in interfaces included in the java.util.function package such as Predicate,?Consumer, Function, and Supplier

?????????Develop code that uses primitive versions of functional interfaces

?????????Develop code that uses binary versions of functional interfaces

?????????Develop code that uses the UnaryOperator interface

Java Stream API

?????????Develop code to extract data from an object using peek() and map() methods including?primitive versions of the map() method

?????????Search for data by using search methods of the Stream classes including findFirst, findAny,?anyMatch, allMatch, noneMatch

?????????Develop code that uses the Optional class

?????????Develop code that uses Stream data methods and calculation methods

?????????Sort a collection using Stream API

?????????Save results to a collection using the collect method and group/partition data using the?Collectors class

?????????Use flatMap() methods in the Stream API

Exceptions and Assertions

?????????Use try-catch and throw statements

?????????Use catch, multi-catch, and finally clauses

?????????Use Autoclose resources with a try-with-resources statement

?????????Create custom exceptions and Auto-closeable resources

?????????Test invariants by using assertions


Use Java SE 8 Date/Time API

????????Create and manage date-based and time-based events including a combination of date and?time into a single object using LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, Instant, Period, and Duration

?????????Work with dates and times across timezones and manage changes resulting from daylight?savings including Format date and times values

?????????Define and create and manage date-based and time-based events using Instant, Period, Duration, and TemporalUnit

Java I/O Fundamentals

?????????Read and write data from the console

?????????Use BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, File, FileReader, FileWriter, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, ObjectOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, and PrintWriter in the?

Java File I/O (NIO.2)

?????????Use Path interface to operate on file and directory paths

?????????Use Files class to check, read, delete, copy, move, manage metadata of a file or directory

?????????Use Stream API with NIO.2

Java Concurrency

?????????Create worker threads using Runnable, Callable and use an ExecutorService to concurrently?execute tasks

?????????Identify potential threading problems among deadlock, starvation, livelock, and race conditions

?????????Use synchronized keyword and java.util.concurrent.atomic package to control the order of?thread execution

?????????Use java.util.concurrent collections and classes including CyclicBarrier and CopyOnWriteArrayList

?????????Use parallel Fork/Join Framework

?????????Use parallel Streams including reduction, decomposition, merging processes, pipelines and?performance.

Building Database Applications with JDBC

????????Describe the interfaces that make up the core of the JDBC API including the Driver,?Connection, Statement, and ResultSet interfaces and their relationship to provider implementations

?????????Identify the components required to connect to a database using the DriverManager class?including the JDBC URL

?????????Submit queries and read results from the database including creating statements, returning?result sets, iterating through the results, and properly closing result sets, statements, and connections


?????????Read and set the locale by using the Locale object

?????????Create and read a Properties file

?????????Build a resource bundle for each locale and load a resource bundle in an application

??Pass rate for this exam is?65%, that means you should answer?44?questions correctly out of?68?multiple choice and multiple select questions. Please note we provide you total?196?Questions & Answers with Pictures for your perusal?. The exam question type can vary from multiple choice to sequences and drag and drop options. Also, you will be required to look at a customer case study and answer with advice based on the scenario.

Allocated Time ? 120 minutes.

EXACTPREP?will improve your speed, skill and confidence. TWO out of 3 Recruiters prefer Certified Candidates, get certified, increase Chances of Getting Hired.

$ 32

₹ 2688

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Java SE 8 Programmer II (1Z0-809) - Full

  • Question: 196
  • Time limit: 180 minutes

Java SE 8 Programmer II (1Z0-809) - Mini

  • Question: 98
  • Time limit: 90 minutes